'Circle' was one of my Art Foundation Diploma projects. I experimented with various media and explored photography, collage, drawings and printing.
Observational drawings of circular objects in my room
Outcomes from a workshop turning everyday items into planet-style photographs
Graphite rubbings and observations from a circular walk around Birmingham city centre
Creating spheres using cocktail sticks, kebab skewers and wool
Photographing my objects and the shadows they cast
Further experimentation using wool to make circular objects
Pencil and acrylic piece inspired by the photographs of myself and my objects. I liked the juxtaposition between the harsh, aggressive spikes and the softness of the wool and wanted to explore this further.
Drawings of my spheres and their shadows
Creating imagined sprite-like creatures to explore the scale of my spheres
Pen and paint experiments inspired by listening to music prompts
Testing out some textural lino prints
Light painting - photography workshop
Scale workshop
Pencil sketches for my final outcomes for this project - I researched medieval punishments and decided to use the motif of my spiky spheres and circles to represent these
'An eye for an eye'
Final series of tarot cards showing medieval punishments for various crimes. Made using stick and ink, red pen and metallic inks.

